Page 74 - Tube Tool Catalogue
P. 74

Cleaning Accessories

         Combination Cone-Carbide Drill                                          Tube I.D.     Combination Cone-Carbide
         Tool: These combination tools use the                               mm        inch       Drill Tool Model
         extreme hardness of a carbide drill                               23.8-27.0  15/16-1.1/16  TCCD - 938
         coupled with the cleaning properties of                           27.0-30.2  1.1/16-1.3/16  TCCD - 1063
         cone cleaning cutters to drill through                            30.2-36.5  1.3/16-1.7/16  TCCD - 1188
         and simultaneously clean tubes that        Combination            36.5-42.9  1.7/16-1.11/16  TCCD - 1438
         are choked with very hard deposits.    Cone-carbide Drill Tool    42.9-49.2  1.11/16-1.15/16  TCCD - 1687

         Cylinder Cutter Tool: These tools are used typically                 Tube I.D.    Cylinder Cutter  Spare Cylinder
         in boilers and other larger tubes that have a light to             mm      inch    Tool Model  Cutter Model
         medium deposit. These tools uses ergonomic cutting               36.5-47.6  1.7/16-1.7/8  TCCD - 1438  TCYC - 1438
         wheels that ensure the same tooth of the cutter                  46.0-73.0  1.13/16-2.7/8  TCCD - 1813  TCYC - 1438
         wheel does not touch the same spot when cleaning.                55.5-81.0  2.3/16-3.3/16  TCCD - 2188  TCYC - 2188
         This prevents grooves being formed in the tube                   79.4-98.4  3.1/8-3.7/8  TCCD - 3125  TCYC - 2188
         scale. The cutters extend outwards when the tool is    Cylinder
         rotated and perform cleaning action.                  Cutter Tool

         Wing Tools-Stiff Arm Cutter:                                          Tube I.D.   Wing Tool-Stiff Arm  Spare Cone
         These tools use long stiff arms with                               mm      inch    Cutter Model  Cutter Model
         cone cutters on their ends, that                                 42.9-101.6  1.11/16-4  TWTS - 1688  TSCT - 937
         spread out when rotated. These                                   100.0-165.1  3.15/16-6.1/2  TWTS - 3938  TSCT - 937
         tools are used to clean light to
         medium deposits in large diameter
         tubes and pipes.
                                              Wing Tools-Stiff
                                                Arm Cutter

         Wing Tools-Flexible Arm Cutter: These                                  Tube I.D.  Wing Tool - Flexible  Spare Cone
         tools are similar in operation to the Stiff Arm                      mm     inch  Arm Cutter Model  Cutter Model
         Winged Tools, but the Cone Cutters are                             100.0-309.0  3.15/16-12  TWTF - 3938  TSCT-937
         attached onto flexible arms. These tools are
         used in typically very large vertical pipes and
         are used in cleaning pipes from top to bottom.                       Wing Tools-Flexible Arm Cutter

         Wing Tools-flexible Arm-carbide Ball Tip: These tools are similar in   Tube I.D.  Wing Tool - Flexible Arm  Number of
         operation to the Flexible Arm Cutter Wing Tools except these use carbide   mm  inch  Carbide Ball Tip Model  Balls Used
         balls for removing light scale in large diameter tubes and pipes.  23.8-52.4  15/16-2.1/16  TWTC-938  4
                                                                          49.2-103.2  1.15/16-4.1/16  TWTC-1938  6
                                                                         100.0-204.8  3.15/16-8.1/16  TWTC-3938  6
                                                                              Wing Tools-Flexible Arm-carbide Ball Tip

         Wing Tools-flexible Nylon Rod: These tools are fitted with abrasive nylon   Tube I.D.  Wing Tool - Flexible
         rods that spread out when rotated. These tools are used to clean light   mm  inch    Nylon Rod Model
         deposits in thin tubes and pipes of exotic materials where damage to tubes   49.2-431.8  1.15/16-17  TWTN-1938
         is to be avoided.
                                                                              Wing Tools-Flexible Nylon Rod

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