Page 70 - Tube Tool Catalogue
P. 70

Cleaning Accessories

         U-Shape Tube Bundle Tools: These tools are used to clean tubes
         that have sharp bends in them. They consist of a brush or cobalt tip
         mounted on a piece of flexible shaft so the tool can navigate the bend.

         Cup Brush Tools - Brass or Stainless Steel

                Tube I.D.              Cup Brush
             mm       inch              Tools

            12.7-19.1  1/2-3/4        TCBT-500B
            12.7-19.1  1/2-3/4        TCBT-500SS                            CUP BRUSH TOOL

         Wheel Brush Tools - Brass or Stainless Steel
                Tube I.D.             Wheel Brush
             mm       inch              Tools

            20.6-25.4  13/16-1        TWBT-813B
                                                                             Wheel Brush Tool
            20.6-25.4  13/16-1        TWBT-813SS
         Cobalt Tip Tools

                Tube I.D.              Cobalt Tip
             mm       inch              Tools

             12.7     1/2              TCTT-500                               Cobalt Tip Tool
             15.9     5/8              TCTT-625                   For sizes not listed above please contact us.
          Shaft Replacement Couplings
                                                              Shaft Repair And Maintenance            CAP
           Flexible Shaft  PFS-250  PFS-375  PFS-500  PFS-560  PFS-750

                                                              For TFS-250, TFS-375, TFS-500,
             Coupling  TCC-250  TC-375  TC-500  TC-560  TC-750  TFS-560 and TFS-750
              Case                                            Flexible Shaft
             Coupling  TCC-250  TCC-375  TCC-500  TCC-560  TCC-750
             Manifold   TMC-1  TMC-1   TMC-1  TMC-1   TMC-1        SHAFT                               TOOL
              Cap                                                  WASHER                            COUPLING
             Washer    3/16X3/4  5/16X3/4  7/16/3/4  9/16X7/8  11/16X1                         NYLON
             Coupling  TDC-250  TDC-375  TDC-500  TDC-560  TDC-750
              Nylon    TNG-250  TNG-375  TNG-500  TNG560  TNG-750
              Guard                                              DRIVE        CASE
                                                                COUPLING    COUPLING

         Shaft Repair Tools                            Flexible Shaft Lubricator is used to lubricate
         Allows users to quickly                       flexible shafts for maximum useful life. They
         and safely attach                             are also used to lubricate shafts prior to
         couplings onto the shaft                      storage. The lubricator is filled with a water
         ensuring maximum                              soluble lubricant that enters and lubricates the
         useful life for the shaft.                    shaft when air supply is provided to the
         SHT-1: Shaft Repair                           lubricator. The residue lubricant washes out
         Tool with Hammer.                             with water when the shaft is used again.
         SHP-1: Replacement                            TFSL-1: Flexible Shaft Lubricator.               Flexible Shaft
         Hammer.                                       TLUBE: Lubricant for flexible shaft lubricator,   Lubricator
                                    Shaft Repair Tool                                                   & Lubricant
                                                       8 ounces (0.25 litres).

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