Page 66 - Tube Tool Catalogue
P. 66

‘Porta’ Portable Electric Tube Cleaners

                                                 TOOL AND FOOT
         Features:                              SWITCH STORAGE                                        CARRYING
                                                     BOX                                              HANDLE
         Ÿ Compact and portable for use in
            multiple locations
         Ÿ Easy connect and disconnect of                                                              DISCONNECT
                                                                                                        FOR EASY
            various shafts and cleaning                                                                 CHANGE
            tools                                INLET-STANDARD                                         OF SHAFT
         Ÿ Foot Switch enables operator to      HOSE CONNECTION
            concentrate on cleaning
         Ÿ Water moving through shaft
            flushes out deposits already                                                                  TOOL
            dislodged by cleaning tools                                                                 CHANGED

         The ‘PORTA’ is built for users to whom a small size and easy transportation mean that they can clean more tubes faster. It is
         used to clean 1/4” - 1” I.D. tubes in chillers, condensers, evaporators and heat exchangers. The flexible shaft rotates at 1760
         rpm as water feeds through the nylon casing to the cleaning tool. As the tool removes the deposits, the water flow flushes them
         out. A solenoid valve ensures that water flows only when the machine is running. Water consumption can be regulated as

                Tube I.D.      Tube Cleaner  Motor Power  Speed   Weight                 Dimension
              mm     inch       Model No.   HP   kW      RPM    lbs.   Kg.      High       Wide         Deep
           6.4 - 25.4  1/4-1    PORTA      1/2    0.40  1760    36     16     10” (254mm)  11” (279mm)  18” (457mm)
         All units available in your choice of:  110V 60Hz,   110V 50Hz - 9 Amps.,    220V 60Hz,   220V 50Hz - 4.5 Amps.
         Please Specify when ordering.

                   ‘TTCS-Porta’ Portable Electric Tube Cleaners System

         Chiller Tube Cleaning System
         MODEL TTCS-PORTA Chiller Tube Cleaning
         System is the most common system for
         cleaning chillers for users to whom size and
         portability is paramount.

                                                          Porta Tube Cleaner        Flexible Shaft    Nylon Brush

         Ÿ  ‘PORTA’ Portable Tube Cleaner - 1 no.
         Ÿ  TTFS - 500-140 Flexible Shafts - 2 nos.
         Ÿ  Nylon Brush (specify size) - 25 nos.

         Ÿ  Repair kit for flexible shaft TTFS-500
            consisting of 4 drive end couplings, 4 tool
            end couplings,
            1 shaft repair tool with hammer, 1 flexible
            shaft lubricator and 2 bottles of lubricant.

                                                          Shaft Repair Tool                 Repair Kit
   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71