Page 40 - Tube Tool Catalogue
P. 40

TDTC Series - Electric Tube Expansion System

         Ÿ Fully Solid State Design
         Ÿ Connected Drive is automatically recognised & indicated by
            means of LED indicator on the Torque
         Ÿ Controller panel for Wattage based Torque Controller
         Ÿ Accurately Calibrated Digital Torque Setting
         Ÿ Slow start has been provided to all the drives for safety
         Ÿ Trip, Reverse & Pause time are adjustable
         Ÿ Manual Reverse provided in case of emergency
         Ÿ Trigger (Hand) & foot mods are available
         Ÿ LED on the panel board indicates the forward, reverse or trip
            condition of drive
         Ÿ MCB has been provided for Safety

                Electric Drives use with Torque Controller For Expansion

                                               High Torque to Weight Ratio

                             PED-0                       PED-2                      PED-3

              Supply                                              Expansion Range
              Voltage  Drive    Speed    No                                                             Drive
            Single Phase  Model  I / II  R.P.M.       Steel Tube O.D.           Copper Tube O.D.       Weight
             50/60 Hz                              inch         mm            inch         mm
                      PED - 0    I      2200     1/4” - 3/8”   6 - 10       1/4” - ½”      6 - 12       2.0
                                 I      1000     3/8” - 5/8”   10 - 16      3/8” - 3/4”   13 - 20
                      PED - 1                                                                           2.5
                                 II     1900    5/16” - 3/8”   8 - 13       5/16” - ½”     8 - 13
              230 V              I      480     5/8” - 1.3/4”  16 - 45      5/8” - 2”      16 - 50
                      PED - 2                                                                           7.5
                                 II     1080    5/8” - 1.1/4”  16 - 32     5/8” - 1.1/2”  16 - 38
                                 I      130       1” - 3”      25 - 76       1” - 4”      25 - 102
                      PED - 3                                                                           8.5
                                 II     430       1” - 2”      25 - 50       1” - 3”       25 - 76
                      PED - 0    I      2200     1/4” - 3/8”   6 - 10       1/4” - ½”      6 - 12       2.0
                                 I      1000     3/8” - 5/8”   10 - 16      3/8” - 3/4”    13 - 20
                      PED - 1                                                                           2.5
                                 II     1900    5/16” - 3/8”   8 - 13       5/16” - ½”     8 - 13
              110 V              I      480     5/8” - 1.3/4”  16 - 45      5/8” - 2”     16 - 50
                      PED - 2                                                                           7.5
                                 II     1080    5/8” - 1.1/4”  16 - 32     5/8” - 1.1/2”  16 - 38
                                 I      130       1” - 3”      25 - 76       1” - 4”      25 - 102
                      PED - 3                                                                           8.5
                                 II     430       1” - 2”      25 - 50       1” - 3”      25 - 76

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