Page 38 - Tube Tool Catalogue
P. 38

Combination Beading Tube Expander

                                                    ‘TCB’ Series

             This is a dual operation tool that simultaneously beads and expands in one operation...
             Ÿ No initial flaring is required
             Ÿ Reduced manhour and operator fatigue
             Ÿ Smooth bead finish
             Ÿ Less parts, thus low maintenance
             Ÿ Two bead rollers for self centering of tool

                     TUBE SIZE      TUBE        EXPANDER         MANDREL        EXPANDER        BEADING
                 inch      mm       Gauge         Model             No.          Rolls Set        Rolls.

                  2        50.8     10-14        TCB-508         TBM-508         TRR-508         TBR-508
                 2.1/2      63.5    10-14        TCB-635         TBM-635         TRR-635         TBR-635

                  3        76.2     10-14        TCB-762         TBM-762         TRR-762         TBR-762

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