Page 30 - Tube Tool Catalogue
P. 30
Boiler Tube Expander
‘T - 1000’ Series (Flare) - 3 Plain Rollers & 3 Flare Rollers
Most ideal for inaccesible areas
Ÿ Water boxes
Ÿ Small diameter drums
Tritorc offers solutions to
overcome any installation problem.
I.D. Expansion
Tool of Tube Sheet Thickness Range
Enters Tool 1/2” 7/8” 1.3/8” 1.7/8” 2.3/8”
O.D THK O.D. THK to to to to to
inch bwg inch bwg mm inch mm inch 3/4” 1.1/4” 1.3/4” 2.1/4” 2.3/4”
A typical example of an
inaccessible area where Tube Sheet Thickness Codes > 3 5 7 9 11
Tritorc drive system ensures...
7 - 9 58.7 2.311 68.0 2.677 T1229/3 T1229/5 T1229/7 T1229/9 T1229/11
Ÿ Reduces operator fatigue 2.3/4 10 - 12 60.7 2.389 70.0 2.756 T1237/3 T1237/5 T1237/7 T1237/9 T1237/11
Ÿ Ensures operator safety
13 - 16 62.7 2.468 72.0 2.835 T1244/3 T1244/5 T1244/7 T1244/9 T1244/11
Ÿ Increases productivity
7 - 8 64.7 2.547 74.0 2.913 T1252/3 T1252/5 T1252/7 T1252/9 T1252/11
Ÿ Maintains consistent accuracy
10 - 12 66.7 2.625 76.0 2.992 T1260/3 T1260/5 T1260/7 T1260/9 T1260/11
13 - 14 68.7 2.704 78.0 3.071 T1268/3 T1268/5 T1268/7 T1268/9 T1268/11
15 - 16 70.7 2.783 80.0 3.150 T1276/3 T1276/5 T1276/7 T1276/9 T1276/11
7 - 11 72.7 2.862 82.0 3.228 T1284/3 T1284/5 T1284/7 T1284/9 T1284/11
3.1/4 12 - 14 74.7 2.940 84.0 3.307 T1292/3 T1292/5 T1292/7 T1292/9 T1292/11
15 - 16 3.1/2 7 - 9 76.6 3.019 86.0 3.386 T1300/3 T1300/5 T1300/7 T1300/9 T1300/11
10 - 12 78.7 3.098 88.0 3.465 T1308/8 T1308/5 T1308/7 T1308/9 T1308/11
3.1/2 13 - 15 80.7 3.177 92.0 3.622 T1315/3 T1315/5 T1315/7 T1315/9 T1315/11
16 3.3/4 7 - 8 82.7 3.255 94.0 3.701 T1323/3 T1323/5 T1323/7 T1323/9 T1323/11
9 - 12 84.7 3.334 96.0 3.780 T1331/3 T1331/5 T1331/7 T1331/9 T1331/11
13 - 16 86.7 3.413 98.0 3.858 T1339/3 T1339/5 T1339/7 T1339/9 T1339/11
7 - 8 88.7 3.492 100.0 3.937 T1347/3 T1347/5 T1347/7 T1347/9 T1347/11
9 - 12 90.7 3.507 102.0 4.016 T1355/3 T1355/5 T1355/7 T1355/9 T1355/11
13 - 15 92.7 3.649 104.0 4.094 T1363/3 T1363/5 T1363/7 T1363/9 T1363/11
16 4.1/4 7 - 8 94.7 3.728 106.0 4.173 T1370/3 T1370/5 T1370/7 T1370/9 T1370/11
9 - 11 96.7 3.807 108.0 4.252 T1378/3 T1378/5 T1378/7 T1378/9 T1378/11
12 - 16 98.7 3.885 110.0 4.331 T1386/3 T1386/5 T1386/7 T1386/9 T1386/11
4.1/2 7 - 14 100.7 3.964 111.0 4.407 T1394/3 T1394/5 T1394/7 T1394/9 T1394/11