Page 59 - Tube Tool Catalogue
P. 59

Push Type Internal Tube Cutter - TATP Series

                                                                                             Tools Bit

         Ÿ Push type Internal Tube Cutter cuts Ferrous or Non-Ferrous tubes of the Condensers, Heat-Exchangers
         Ÿ This internal tube cutter can be operated with a Electrical or Pneumatic drill machine
         To operate this tool:
         01)  Insert the tool in the tube which is to be cut.
         02)  Adjust the thrust collar as per the cutting length required then gradually press the Electric or Pneumatic drive which is
              attached to the tool.
         03)  The cutting bit cuts the tube within few seconds

           Tube O.D.  Tube Gauge (BWG)  Tube Cutter Model No. (Std. Reach)   Spare Cutting Bit Model No.   Ÿ Standard adjustment reach is 4”. The tools
             5/8”     14 - 22         TATP-625           TATP-625-SB       are available in the increments of 2” upto 10”
             3/4”     14 - 22         TATP-750           TATP-750-SB    Ÿ Every tool comes with the complete set of
             7/8”     14 - 22         TATP-875           TATP-875-SB
                                                                           Pilots to cover the entire range of tube
             1”       12 - 22         TATP-1000          TATP-1000-SB
                                                                           thickness for that particular tube O.D.
            1.1/4”    12 - 22         TATP-1250          TATP-1250-SB
                                                                        Ÿ The cutting bit can be replaced easily
            1.1/2”    12 - 22         TATP-1500          TATP-1500-SB
                                  Internal Tube Cutter - TB68 Series

          Ÿ TB-68 Tube Cutters are ideal for cutting thick walled boiler tubes
             of 2” O.D. and higher
          Ÿ The Internal Tube Cutter TB-68 is driven using the square in a
             clockwise direction using either an electric, pneumatic or
             hydraulic driving machine                                      Tools Bit
          Ÿ TB-68 type tube cutters are available in standard reach of 4”
             (100 mm). Additional reaches in increments of 4” are available
             up to 16” (400 mm)
                    Tool    Spare Bit                                                                     Drive
            Size    Model    Model        Tube I.D. Range         Max. Tube O.D.       Body Diameter     Square
                   Number   Number      mm         inch        mm         inch        mm        inch      Male
            095   0680951              10 - 12    .394 - .472   15        .591        9.5       374
            105   0681051              11 - 13    .433 - .512   18        .709        10.5      413
            115   0681151   1681151    12 - 14    .472 - .551   19        .748        11.5      453
            125   0681251              13 - 15    .519 - .591   20        .787        12.5      492
            135   0681351   1681251    14 - 17    .551 - .669   23        .906        13.5      531
            155   0681551              16 - 19    .630 - .748   25        .984        15.5      610
            175   0681751   1681751    18 - 21    .709 - .827   27        1.063       17.5      689
            195   0681951   1681951    20 - 25    .787 - .984   34        1.339       19.5      768
            245   0682451   1682451    25 - 30   .984 - 1.181   38        1.496       24.5      965
            290   0682901              30 - 35   1.181 - 1.378  43        1.693       29        1.142
            330   0683301   1682901    35 - 40   1.378 - 1.575  48        1.890       33        1.299
            380   0683801              40 - 50   1.575 - 1.969  58        2.126       38        1.496
            480   0684801              50 - 60   1.969 - 2.362  68        2.677       48        1.890
            530   0685301   1684801    55 - 65   2.165 - 2.559  73        2.874       53        2.087
            630   0686301              65 - 75   2.559 - 2.953  83        3.268       63        2.480
            730   0687301              75 - 85   2.953 - 3.346  93        3.661       73        2.874
            830   0688301   1687301    85 - 95   3.346 - 3.740  103       4.055       83        3.268
            930   0689301              95 - 105  3.740 - 4.134  113       4.449       93        3.661
          Note: Refer to operation manual for detailed features and parts list.
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