Page 46 - Tube Tool Catalogue
P. 46

Tube Leak Detector

         This Vacuum Tube Leak Detector VLD-3000 simple & accurate
         method of testing leakages in the tubes of Boiler, Condenser,
         Heat -Exchanger, Chiller, Cooler, etc.
         It is a compact tool for checking the tubes for leakage before
         insertion in tube plate. It works on principle of vacuum in which
         tool vacuums the air from tube & create vacuum to a desired
         reading on gauge.

         Steady reading on gauge indicates NO LEAK.
         If the reading on the gauge drops it indicates a LEAK in the   1/4” - 3” O.D.
         Ÿ Only one tool necessary for testing multiple tube sizes
                                                                      Tube Seals Available:
         Ÿ Simple Design, Light Weight, Quick tube testing.
         Ÿ Cover wide range of tubes with one unit [( tube sizes: 1/4”    Part No.        Tube O.D. Size
            (6.3 mm) to 3” (76.2 mm)]
                                                                          T - 760     1/4” (6.3mm) - 3/4” (19.5mm)
         Ÿ Interchangable Seals for I.D. 10.35 mm to 30.65 mm             T - 1250   5/8” (15.9mm) - 1.1/4” (31.7mm)
         Ÿ Required Air Supply: Standard 6 to 10 Bar                      T - 2000    1.1/8” (28.6mm) - 2” (50.8mm)
         Ÿ Silent while Testing                                           T - 3000    1.7/8” (47.6mm) - 3” (76.2mm)

                                                Operating Instructions

            1)  Connect air supply to the gun Plug both ends of   2)  Operate slide valve & initiate vacuum generation in
               the tube to be tested with Plugging ‘T’ handle one    the tubes.
               end & vacuum gun at other end.

            3)  Shut off the slide value when vacuum gauge reaches   4)  If gauge is not showing the steady pressure it
               to the desire pressure. Hold for a few seconds & if   means the tube has a leak.
               gauge shows steady pressure there is no leak.

            Ÿ Requires 90 psi (6.0 bar) compressed air
            Ÿ Air consumption: 26 CFM (720 l/min).

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