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Tritorc hot tapping service enables a connection to be
made to a piping system or a vessel without shutdown
or interruption to production. Isolation of a piping
system is achieved by indroducing a plugging head into
the pipe bore through the tap created. All the hardware
is designed and manufactured in accordance with the
applicable design codes. All welding procedures
conform with API standards.
Our equipment is designed and tested to withstand the
required operating pressures, temperatures and harsh
working environment, rated up to 1,450 psig and
A comprehensive hot tapping package is available
including a survey of the customer's site to determine
the most efficient solution required.
Hot tapping up to 84"
Line stopping up to 66"
Onshore or offshore; topside or subsea
Inflatable gas bag isolation upto 60"
Highly skilled and experienced service engineers can
apply a variety of different procedures to provide the
most cost efficient solution to suit the customer's
individual requirement.
Our equipment is capable of performing hot taps into a
wide variety of products such as hydrocarbons, natural
gas, water, steam and heavy oil among others.
Tritorc's Engineering division provides custom designed and manufactured hot tap and line stop tees suitable for
various pipe materials such as carbon steel, stainless steel,alloys, plastic based pipes. Consisting of a full-encirclement
fitting and a weld-neck flange, our Hot Tap Tees are designed and manufactured to ensure the integrity of the piping
Typically the mating flange is ASME Class 150, 300, or 600; although, other pressure classes and flange styles are
Our Hot Tap Tees are designed to meet the requirements of ASME B31.3 and B31.4/8 with a 0.72 design factor. The
standard tee material is A234 Grade WPB or WPC with A 105 flanges. Other materials are available to match customer
requirements and existing pipeline materials and design parameters.
The tees are manufactured in accordance with widely accepted industry standards and in house quality program and
are compatible with major models of hot tapping equipment. In compliance with most pipeline design codes, all
pressure containing welds are 100% radiographed and hydro statically pressure tested, where applicable.
Hot Tap and Line Stop Fittings are available in carbon and stainless to high-yield stress materials
Fabricated or Extruded
Welded or Mechanical
DesignStandards to ASME and API codes
Completion Plugs and Pigging Bars Compatible
Topside & subsea use